Monday, October 3, 2016

Tips for "Your Choice, Your Way" Teachers

Especially for speaking classes, I encourage you to speak in your normal voice and speed. This is to challenge the students to keep up with you.  When they ask you to repeat it, try to speak slowly. If the student still can’t understand you, type what you’re trying to say. But don’t rely on typing. It’s a speaking class.  The bottom line is, be patient. 
This is pertaining to your expressions. Of course, we don’t use bad words. When there are expressions that we use during the classes, then the student ask you what it is , explain it. The point here is, don’t dig your own grave. Don’t use words or expressions that you can’t explain. You can stall but not all the time. 

·       Do the SANDWICH METHOD

·       Don't DOMINATE the time
-          Students applied for our services for them to practice most especially their speaking skills. So give them the time. Try to follow the  70/30 percent. 70 percent for the student, 30 percent for the teacher. Even though the teacher doesn’t speak that much, while listening to the student, try to take note some of his/her mistakes. In this way before the lesson ends, you can say something to the student.  This is a way to still show to the student that you are the teacher. He/she needs to listen to what you’re saying. On their side, they appreciate  and respect teachers who give them feedback.   

·       It’s a CLASS, not a DEBATE 
This happens during classes.  When you have a different view from the student’s opinion, try to listen to him/her first. Listen and understand. The purpose of the class is for the student to express himself/herself, not to listen to your opinion.  If he asks your opinion, then you can say it but in a subtle way. 
Example:  I do understand what you’re trying to say. Now let’s try to look on the other side,     how about if….
                  I got your point however, ….

Most of the students are professionals. You can have a student whose occupation is an English teacher, engineer, surgeon and others. Given this situation, you should always remember that even though they are professionals, they need something. That is ENGLISH, which we are far better than them. Carry this pride and don’t be underestimated by them.  You should show them that you are giving value to your class. 


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